Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Dragon Tattoo

Meaning of Dragon Tattoo

Dragon tattoos can have different meanings to different people. It's all depending on how you see the mythical creature and as to what design you choose.

In general men tend to use dragon tattoos to represent:

    * Courage
    * Strength
    * Raw power and force
    * Wisdom and reason
    * Protectors of sacred items

Many men tend to associate with the dragon which is why they get dragon tattoos. Some men see themselves as guardians over loved ones, so since the dragon tends to symbolize protection, it fits the mold of a guardian.

In general, woman tend to use dragon tattoos to represent:

    * Creator
    * Protector of life
    * Strength

Because woman are those who give birth, they can be seen as a creator of life. Women can associate with the dragon in terms of protection and children; in most cases, mothers will protect their children till the end. Women may see the strength of the dragon and see it embodied in themeselves.

Chinese Dragon Tattoos

Chinese dragons are the symbols of power and mystery as depicted in Eastern and Western legends. The dragon evoked fear and worship in man.

Although, there's a bloodthirsty, medieval ferociousness in dragons, in oriental cultures, they see the mythical beast for its benevolent features. The dragon is the most commong symbol of identity for Far Eastern cultures.

Types of Oriental dragons include:

    * The horned dragon is seen as the mightiest dragon.
    * The Celestial Dragon is the dragon that supports the heavans and protects the Gods.
    * The Earth Dragon rules the earth.
    * The Spirirtual Dragon controls wind and rain.
    * The Treasure Dragon is the keep or precious metals and gems.
    * The Winged Dragon is the only one depicted with wings.
    * The Coiling Dragon lives in the oceans.
    * The Yellow Dragon is the hornless dragon known for knowledge.

Placement of a Dragon Tattoo

Men usually place dragon tattoos on their:

    * Back
    * Arms
    * Shoulders
    * Legs

Women usually place dragon tattoos on their:

    * Shoulder
    * Nape/ Upper Back
    * Side
    * Ankle
    * Foot

Pictures of Dragon Tattoos

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